

Welcome to day 2 of TXF Americas!

If you want to do business in Latin America, it’s essential to understand the region’s political and legal landscape, as well as the market needs. This presentation gives you the lowdown on everything you need to know to invest in Latin America:

• Recent political shifts are seeing the Andean countries becoming increasingly aligned - what economic consequences will this have?

• What legislative hurdles should dealmakers look out for when structuring contracts in Latin American markets?

Beatriz Perez Perazzo
International Legal Advisor, Global Recovery Group


Turbulent times for the world lead to busy lives for players in the insurance market. We take a broad overview of the trends at play today: · Evaluation of current market size, growth regions and industries, capacity, appetite for new risk and pricing, effect of reinsurance market · We’re seeing more insurers getting involved in transactions on a structuring level - why is this, and how will the trend pan out? · On a global level how have events in Ukraine contributed to an increase in PRI inquiries? How will the energy crisis and looming recession in Europe impact the insurance market? What effect are recent political shifts across the Americas having on appetite and capacity? · Competition and collaboration with the ECA market, the role of reinsurance from an ECA perspective, and the market for DFI risk

Javier Gomez
VP & Senior Underwriter, Vantage Risk

Miguel Siliceo
Head of Investment Unit, Ministry of Finance Mexico
Jaime Origel
VP Finance and Country Co-Head, CHG Meridian Mexico SAPI de CV
Volker Helms
Managing Director, LBBW Mexico

It’s been a tumultuous time for the Americas, and for the world at large. We provide a rundown of the geopolitical and macroeconomic risks that companies need to keep in mind when looking to do business in the region.

John Groesbeek
Head Syndciations Latam, Global Lead DSS, IFC
Jenaro Laris-Vazquez
Head of Office Mexico, SACE
Alain Longpre
Director Mobilization and Blended Finance, Development Finance Institute Canada (FinDev)
Ulrich Schulte Lünzum
Head of Department Project Finance and Untied Loans, Euler Hermes
Nathan Morales
Managing Director - Head of Financing Services, Bechtel Enterprises


Thank you for attending TXF Americas 2023!


Welcome to TXF Americas 2023!

Dominik Kloiber
Co-Founder, Exile Group

3 years since their re-authorisation, US EXIM is determined to support local exports better than ever before. Hear from EXIM’s chair on:

• How is EXIM forming partnerships to achieve its mandate?

• What policy decisions are shaping EXIM today?

• What products and initiatives are EXIM introducing to maintain competitiveness in a challenging environment?

Reta Jo Lewis
President & Chair, US EXIM BANK - Export-Import Bank of the United States

ECA products come into their own in times of crisis and, although the Covid-19 pandemic is abating, the world is not what it once was. This session brings together some of the leading ECAs operating in the Americas to consider:

• How are ECAs adapting their products and outlooks to better support their local interests in a changing world?

• To what extent are ECAs forming partnerships with other organisations?

• Which sectors and markets are of strategic importance to ECAs operating in the Americas?

• What role will ECA finance play in the energy security of the Americas?

Soren Abildgaard
Co-Head Origination Americas, EKF - Denmarks Export Credit Agency
Lana Ravel
Area Manager LATAM & The Caribbean, Bpifrance
Harrison Moskowitz
Executive Director, JP Morgan

ECA Stream

We’ve heard from the ECAs, now it’s time to hear from their customers. We gather key exporters with their sights set on the Americas to consider:

• What do exporters need from ECAs and financiers to support them through challenging times?

• Is US EXIM offering flexible enough cover for today’s exporters? What could they learn from other agencies?

• What are the biggest challenges that our exporters are facing in today’s market? Where do they see the greatest opportunities?

Lenny Floria
Head of Regional Treasury and Structured Finance for the Americas, Nokia
Marie Torres Fisher
Consultant, Ellicott Dredges
Jerome Friler
CEO, Satarem America Inc.
Nadine Holzhausen
Director Export Finance, Jebsen & Jessen Industrial Solutions GmbH


Global influences are shaping commodity markets more than ever before, and traders in the Americas must keep their eyes trained on macroeconomics and geopolitics across the globe. We gather some of the region’s key industry figures to consider: - How are traders coping with pricing volatility? - Traders are increasingly looking to tap into the ECA market for financing – why is this, and what do ECAs need to do to attract trader interest? - How are traders using financing to help mitigate some of the extensive market risks we are currently seeing?

Santiago Lynch
STF Head Americas, Archer Daniels Midland
Sunil George
Head of Client Financing Solutions for the Americas, Louis Dreyfus Company
Brent Omland
CFO - Americas, Ocean Partners
Rod Hutchinson
Regional Business Development Manager - Americas, Veridapt

ECA Stream

Dominik Kloiber
Co-Founder, Exile Group
Piers Constable
Senior Advisor, Private Export Funding Corporation (PEFCO)
Vitor Gabrielli
Director, Citi


The commodities finance market faces a host of headwinds at the moment, from pressures surrounding supply, to the conflict in Ukraine, and the energy crisis. Despite these challenges, banks continue to innovate towards digitalisation, security, and accelerating the transition towards cleaner energy. This session gathers leading commodities financiers across the Americas to discuss: - What are the biggest changes that banks and lenders have made to their lending portfolios over the past year? - How much of a priority is ESG and the energy transition to banks in the Americas? - How are banks innovating to provide more security throughout their supply chains?

Cameron Letters
General Manager, Financial Services Group
James Varnadoe
Managing Director, SGT Fund
Rob Pino
Managing Partner, Catamaran Structured Global Credit



We need to change the way we get our energy. Whilst fossil fuels will be needed in the short-term, we must think about how to adapt our infrastructure to better support clean energy assets:

• How do we reduce the cost of renewable energies across the Americas?

• What improvements need to be made to grid infrastructure to allow for effective transmission of renewable energies?

• How do we ensure that emissions reducing technologies are given green credentials in their own rights?

• Do we need to establish creative financing solutions to increase the scale of renewables projects across the Americas?

• Energy security is a top priority in today’s world – how do we balance the needs for immediate energy supply and sustainable alternatives, especially in developing markets?

Maria Jose Trevino
CEO, Mexico, Acclaim Energy Mexico
Subha Nagarajan
Managing Director - Energy Financial Services - Global Capital Advisory, General Electric
Kemi Linton
Managing Director, Cari-Trade Consulting Ltd

CPRI Club 2023

We assemble syndication, distribution and insurance buying bankers to join corporates, underwriters and brokers active in the Americas community to discuss key trends in the Americas market:

- How can bank buyers make the most of the insurance product across capital relief, risk mitigation, and capacity?
- For which projects/sectors in the Americas is trade credit insurance most important to buyers?
- What impact will Basel IV have on the market and capital treatment?
- How are corporate buyers using the product, what improvements would they like to see, and which projects do they seek insurance cover for?

Brad Dunderman
Executive Director, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)
Amy Shinkman
Vice President, Export Credit Insurance, US EXIM BANK - Export-Import Bank of the United States
Jamie Brache
Senior Underwriter, Vantage Risk
Maryam Kouhgoli
Director, Deutsche Bank


With pathfinder deals such as Brazil’s Linha 6/Laranja underway, the trend for large scale infrastructure projects in the Americas has been set. This session looks at the future of transport infrastructure in the Americas:

• What does the pipeline look like for transport infrastructure in the Americas? Which countries are likely to see large scale project development?

• How do we bring bankable projects to market?

• How important are PPPs to financing transport in the Americas?

• Is DFI involvement the key to large scale social infrastructure in the Americas, or can we bring projects to market with pure commercial bankability?

Olga Calabozo Garrido
Regional Head, Latin America & the Caribbean, MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Anne Marie Thurber
Managing Director, SMBC

CPRI Club 2023

Putting a robust insurance policy in place is key, but what happens when it all goes wrong? This session examines the state of the claims market, considering where we’re seeing the majority of claims in the political risk and credit market and how this is impacting the industry. How are Latin American economies responding to the current economic situation, effects of the Ukraine conflict and continued shockwaves left by the pandemic?

Barker Keith
Vice President & General Counsel, Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd.
Donnie DiCarlo
Executive Vice President, BPL Global


As of October, there have been 15 climate disaster events in 2022, with losses exceeding $1 billion each in the United States alone. As the crisis accelerates, financial markets must strive to do their part in reaching Net 0. This session considers sustainable finance across the Americas, looking at how financiers can expand their books to cover more green and socially conscious projects.

Mauricio Gonzalez
Head of Export Finance North America, BNP Paribas
Anne Marie Thurber
Managing Director, SMBC

Search results

With pathfinder deals such as Brazil’s Linha 6/Laranja underway, the trend for large scale infrastructure projects in the Americas has been set. This session looks at the future of transport infrastructure in the Americas:

• What does the pipeline look like for transport infrastructure in the Americas? Which countries are likely to see large scale project development?

• How do we bring bankable projects to market?

• How important are PPPs to financing transport in the Americas?

• Is DFI involvement the key to large scale social infrastructure in the Americas, or can we bring projects to market with pure commercial bankability?

Olga Calabozo Garrido
Regional Head, Latin America & the Caribbean, MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Anne Marie Thurber
Managing Director, SMBC

Miguel Siliceo
Head of Investment Unit, Ministry of Finance Mexico
Jaime Origel
VP Finance and Country Co-Head, CHG Meridian Mexico SAPI de CV
Volker Helms
Managing Director, LBBW Mexico