Olga Calabozo Garrido
Olga Calabozo Garrido
Regional Head, Latin America & the Caribbean

MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

United States

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With pathfinder deals such as Brazil’s Linha 6/Laranja underway, the trend for large scale infrastructure projects in the Americas has been set. This session looks at the future of transport infrastructure in the Americas:

• What does the pipeline look like for transport infrastructure in the Americas? Which countries are likely to see large scale project development?

• How do we bring bankable projects to market?

• How important are PPPs to financing transport in the Americas?

• Is DFI involvement the key to large scale social infrastructure in the Americas, or can we bring projects to market with pure commercial bankability?

Olga Calabozo Garrido
Regional Head, Latin America & the Caribbean, MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Anne Marie Thurber
Managing Director, SMBC